Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Personal Efficiency (1923)

Welcome to the Lasalle Extension University September 1923 guide on The Principles of Efficiency.
To help promote the book, here is the carrot.

O VALUABLE is "The Twelve Principles of Efficiency" - so full of inspiration and practical suggestions - so rich in its fund of successful human experience - that small wonder is it that many men, taking front rank among the world's producers, make it a habit to re-read it, from cover to cover, at periodic intervals, getting something new out of it every time they read it. Thousands of these men regard it as the one indispensable book in their library, and do not hesitate to ascribe to it a large part of their success. If you do not already possess it, get your copy now. You will ever prize it. It will open up vast new possibilities to you - in yourself, and in your coworkers.

The ladies were invited to help in 1923. Here is a questionnaire and reported suggestions on how a husband can be helped.

For those interested in the cost of the latest technology of the era, we have this advertisement on the back inside cover, only $3 down. The ladies that needed to type for their husbands from step 4 above needed the below instrument in which the advertisement was conveniently placed near their recommended instructions.

By The LaSalle Problem Method

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